Международная конференция учителей английского языка
Our English teachers Sapargaliyeva A.N. and Demegeneva G.K. participated in the XIX International KazTEA Conference "Transfunctional Teacher - Smart Students" in Semey.
English teachers from Kazakhstan and many other countries raised and discussed technical and pedagogical challenges within the framework of the national project " Qualitative Teaching"Educative Nation. Goals and objectives "
Ainel Nurlanovna and Gulmira Kairhanovna took part in many workshops and demonstrations of experienced teachers and won valuable prizes but most importantly they they have enriched their pedagogical experience.
English teachers from Kazakhstan and many other countries raised and discussed technical and pedagogical challenges within the framework of the national project " Qualitative Teaching"Educative Nation. Goals and objectives "
Ainel Nurlanovna and Gulmira Kairhanovna took part in many workshops and demonstrations of experienced teachers and won valuable prizes but most importantly they they have enriched their pedagogical experience.